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Or why it is still relevent to hold onto your old film camera : it makes you look trendy, and it is less depreciating than Digital. Not to mention that while using a film camera, most amateur photographers will learn how to take better pictures.

Click this link if you want to discover, remember or maybe even comment “Famous, infamous and iconic photos”

As a VFX artist I’m really feeling touched by the following statement made on the VES website. This is a really big statement, and it shows that it may be time for things to change a bit in this industry.

– A smart guy playing with Photoshop found two very simple tricks to make it run faster. I’ve tried them both at home and at work on Windows 7 and OSX, and it seems to help a bit with large size images or when dealing with multiple files open at the same time.

©David Noton

©David Noton

– The Photography Blog had an interesting article a couple months ago about long exposure photography, written by David Noton and illustrated with some of his beautiful images. Highly recommended for landscape shooters.

– The people behind “I’m a photographer, not a terrorist” campaign and website organise a flash mob on Trafalgar Square on Saturday 23rd January 2010, at 12.00 (Noon).

CoolIris Express has been announced earlier this month. This is a new tool designed to help people with very little coding or web designing skills to put together online galleries. More details on The Photography Blog again.

Founder of Olodum after leaving Ile Aiye, and more recently founder the woman-only band Dida.

He died last Saturday at the age of 54 of a heart attack. More can be read there, and pictures of the funeral procession in Salvador have been posted on Travelblog.org.

Paz a sua alma.

Kodak launches a photograph contest to celebrate the first year of existence of its newest low ASA film Kodak Ektar 100.

Via Photography Blog.

See for informations on John Nack’s blog, Photography Bay and Light Mods among others.

You can also download Lightroom 3 Beta for free following this link.

Polaroid official announcement that they will put back in production a limited serie of their Polaroid 1000 instant camera in 2010.


People shooting with films out there will be thrilled to know that Epson has announced a new Perfection v600 flatbed scanner. This is an upgrade from the previous model, featuring improvements in terms of energy-efficiency.

More details and all the technical stuff can be found in this article on Photography Bay.